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Support / Maintenance

Managing Your Website Can be Stressful. But it Doesn’t Have to Be.

Keeping your new and current customers engaged through updates, new product launches, site locations, and other company news, can be challenging. Let me help relieve that stress from behind the scenes, allowing you to focus on what’s in front of you.

I will keep your website up and running smoothly by maintaining the most up-to-date SSL Certificates, plugins, and core updates. All while keeping your site safe and secure.

Set Yourself Up With a HANDKRFTD Support and Maintenance Plan.

Every website is different, and how you manage it is incredibly important. It can make or break an online business. Locking yourself into a plan with little wiggle room, hinders your ability as a business and gives off a bad impression. By developing a monthly support and maintenance plan from HANDKRFTD, you’re removing unnecessary stress and worries from your day-to-day, and gives you the assurance you need to sleep at night.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

– Abraham Lincoln –

Website security is just as important to your users as it is your company.

As online business professionals, it’s our duty to protect customer information and put them at ease. It’s not just about adding a captcha or having an SSL Certificate; when you have a service monitoring your system on a consistent basis, you’re saving time, energy, AND your business. If a problem arises, it should be addressed and taken care of with the proper security and updates. Don’t hit snooze on your website, the internet never sleeps.

Check out some of my previous work samples here!

Reach out for packages and details.
Call me at (716) 427-4561 or E-mail Me to Get Started!